Thursday, November 03, 2005

Here is one of the friends we made when we went to a "Wild animal Safari". Kendall loved this, as long as these crazy cow things would quit sticking their heads in our window... never mind there tongue sticking out and wrapping around the steering wheel. Oh, and by the way, if you eat grass all day long, you will have some stank breath.

This is Halloween!!! I don't want to say that we rocked, but man... those are some good looking smurfs. We had a blast at our annual church Fall Festival. If you know me, this is my world series of holiday's.... I love to put alot of effort into dressing up. Kendall is obviously taking after myself. He loved being blue. He just kept running around all night (wait, that could have been because of all of the sugar though). Anyway, Jaz on the other hand, is not one to dress up, much less paint her whole face. Although reluctant, she admitted how much fun she had at the end of the night.